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Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Club penguin and Ecobuddies cheat!

Hey guys! I found cool cheats that are clothes for members and non members! Check it out! You still have to click on the images to make them bigger.......
Club penguin cheat:
First, head into the coffee shop.

You see the stairs in the last picture? Go in them. They lead to a fun room called the Book room.

Then go to the book shelf and click on it. It shows book you can read. Click on "Rock and the Stowaway" will appear. Flip to the end where it shows a friendship bracelet. Click on it and it will ask if you want it!

Ecobuddies cheat:
First, head to the Thunder falls.
Then, where i was standing in the last picture, is a secret passage to a small cave! Cross the bridge.
Instead of going into the passage with wood around it, Go down the rocks by the bridge.
Then, you are at the bottom of Thunder falls. Click on the wood box and it is filled with clothes for members and non members!

Well, this is all the cheats I have so far. Bye!