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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Agent Chippy Journal's 2!

Hey guys! I am proud to announce I have made it on Pesto's blog! I am very excited and happy to be on his blog! This Agent Chippy journal entry is dedicated to Pesto! Thank you for putting me on you favorite blogs! Click on the images to make them bigger

Dear Journal,

                  I started off in my house. I was asleep when I got a special announcement that Halloween Howler and Burglar have been spotted at the haunted house!

I jumped in my Go Kart and headed over there! I couldn't believe somebody managed to see them! 

I ran up and looked around on the roof. False alarm. Halloween Howler and Burglar were distracting me. I wonder why? Were they stealing a car or some clothes? Was I listening to a double agent on the phone? So many questions! I have to find Detective Viper! He has all the answers.....maybe.

I decided to take a break and hang out with my friends at the Winding Woods! It was really fun! I took a picture with Furrs and played with him too. I headed home and fell asleep and waited for tommorow.


        With all wishes,
        Agent Chippy

Remember, I am starting a agent club! I need ideas for the name and who wants to join! Stay tuned!!


  1. Munch Munch- weez are eating bat cereal! You are a great Buddy! From, Zida and Zelda

  2. Hey Zida Zelda! I included Zida in my one of my last blog posts, meeting famous people! Bye!

    -Agent Chippy

  3. hi agent chippy this is suuuupppper blog and i saw u on ecobuddies i will keep a close watch for that burgler guy and try to let u know if i see him and wat he is waring becase he comes waring diff outfits to trick us AND watch he dosnt steal our own costums somehow this is apple here so watch for me

  4. helllllo agent chippy at the party today the burgler was caught but i missed seeing u there so check the blog out you can see me ther. we came as bats becuzz the burgler is very scared of bats the hallowen howler told us that was how we might catch him and it worked! this is apple shazam

  5. Hey, AGent Chippy here! I am sorry I couldn't make it but I was busy with school and friends! I will try to get to the next special event. See you there!
